John Stezaker In-depth artist research

Carrying on from my previous research on Stekazer, I am now going to compare and contrast two of his images.

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These two images make quite a large focus on the eyes and where they are looking. The first image technically contains three sets of the same eye which has produced this effect here. It looks like images have been cut out and stuck onto the original image. The second image involves a woman and the lower part of her face and a man stuck on top of this image above her. The two different sex’s placed so closely together create a very quirky piece of work and is extremely unusually. I would also say unusual is also the word to be used for the first image as well because when I focus on it for a long time, the lines almost look like they’re moving.

I like how in the second image, the image on top of one another is roughly stuck on top. This gives a strong homemade effect and I personally feel it looks more artistic. Due to the backgrounds in both images, I have no idea what environment these people are in or what they are doing. This is what makes these images mysterious and questionable.

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