David Spero

David Spero was born in 1963 and studied photography at the Royal college of Art, London. His work was also presented in the British Council.

In 2001 Spero started an ongoing series called “Ball Photographs” – this meant he was photographing coloured balled in existing and temporary locations.

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In this image he has taken, shows different sized coloured balls scattered around a table, chair, floor and other objects as well. These objects look quite old in this image, however the coloured balls seem to light up this image and make the dull colours be highlighted. When I look at Spero’s work with coloured balls placed around everywhere makes me analyse and take more time over looking at this image. This is because the coloured balls almost represent the different parts in the image and this forces us to analyse each point individually.

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This second photograph taken by Spero involves balls which are a lot larger and more dominant in the image. They are placed on the sofa, piano and wooden frames. Not all of them are larger balls but they’re also very small ones as well. This makes the image very detailed and makes the audience want to analyse every part of the image. The larger coloured balls in this image makes me more drawn to it and pick up more detail.



(Accessed 12th March 2015)

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